Monday, March 26, 2007

A Five Year Old Boy in the Principal's Office

Some images this year while traveling from school to school:

  • A five year old boy in the Principal's office at 9:00 AM, recites his promises not to kick, bite, or hit anyone today. He is so happy to be sitting in the Principal's lap that he will promise her anything.

  • An eight year old boy in another Principal's office, with a high fever, waiting to go home. But he begs to stay because today is the day his mentor comes to see him.

  • A second grade girl reading aloud from the book, she pronounces porcupine correctly on the first try. She and her mentor giggle together at the animal's picture.
  • An older adult coaches a child through a difficult reading session. The child struggles, not so much because the book is too hard, but because today his life seems hard. They play a rousing game of Connect 4 instead.

    If you have the time and are ready to share your experience, we have a child for you.

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