Wednesday, January 3, 2007

I can't believe you called me an Old Blogger

At Generations Incorporated, we respectfully refer to those of us over the age of 55 as "older adults". Imagine my surprise when I had to click "old blogger" to write this post!

What a joy it was on December 15 to attend a special "Siamese Sam" event at the Orchard Gardens Pilot School in Roxbury. Siamese Sam and the Things He Will Eat is a marvelous children's story about an adventurous, real-life siamese cat (Sam) who wanders about eating all sorts of different foods.

The author of this wonderful children's story, our very own board member Rich Trombetta, and his student illustrators celebrated the recent publication of the book with a huge book give-away at the school. Rich's talented illustrators are 3rd and 5th grade students at the school, and they were honored with a breakfast reception and many words of praise and congratulations for this major event. Afterwards, Rich and the illustrators autographed copies of the books for many of the students.

Our intention is to make sure each of the 3000 children in our 18 other partner sites eventually gets a copy. Proceeds from the sale of the book will benefit the literacy programs of Generations Incorporated. If you know of anyone interested in sponsoring the book give-away, please have them contact me, the Old Blogger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To the old blogger: sounds like a great project! Can't wait to hear more about what you're doing!
