Please remember to thank those who influenced you, gave you encouragement and guidance. I would like to pay tribute to mine.
My first boss here in Boston taught me that service is not something done to others, but instead a mutual partnership. (I didn't quite know what she meant then, but I do now). She told me that humor and humility would get me places. I learned some pretty great lessons from her. Even now, 30 years later, I depend on her as my teacher. And friend. Thanks, Sandy.
Mary the Fourth is my 80-year old aunt (we come from a long line of Marys). She has been a constant and important presence in my life. We are both stubborn as rocks and she says that is a good thing. She has been friend, driving instructor (after I fired my father), role model, and to this day, confidante. She still encourages me in every pursuit. And she taught me the most important lesson of my life: do not give up. Thank you, Mary the Fourth!
300 Experience Corps members from this organization are busy at this very moment mentoring hundreds of children in Boston. They have more wisdom, compassion, and talent than I can write about in this post. They are an inspiration, every one. Thank you all.
Great to see your blog and all the great work you're doing with Experience Corps. I'll link to it from mine,
David Bank
Civic Ventures
San Francisco
Thanks, David. Can I link your website to ours' and to the blog?
Mary Gunn
Hi Mary--good to learn a bit more about where you draw some of your inspiration for your good work! I think b/c I have a blogger account tied to one of my hobbies--cooking--it's going to link you to my Cooking Chat blog. But you should also check out our new SCI blog here:
Hi Mary,
Beautifully said. This is a wonderful reminder that we need to recognize and thank those who have taught and inspired us over the years. Thank you.
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